Collection Tins

Here at Queenscourt every donation, no matter how small, contributes towards maintaining our service of care.
In one year alone, £37,732 was raised through donations of £10 or less – so if you ever find yourself with a handful of pennies and think ‘that’s not enough to make a difference’, please do think again.
Whether you’re a local shop, restaurant, garage or pub, we will happily drop off a collection box, all you need do is place it somewhere your staff and customers can see it and watch the coins roll in!
If you would like to do your bit at home, our special Queenscourt Home Boxes are the perfect charitable piggy bank. Once your box gets full, you can either count up the amount and write a cheque out to the Hospice or drop the full box into our reception to be counted by our lovely volunteers.
We will always send you an acknowledgement when your box is returned, which helps you to keep track of the difference you, your friends, family and colleagues are making to Queenscourt.