Patient Information - Queenscourt Hospice

Patient Information

Here you can find a list of links that can help answer some of the questions you may have or provide information you may require. If you are looking for more specific information on our services then please use the Services menu to pick which one you would like to more about. We also have a Frequently Asked Questions that may be useful if you want to know more about Queenscourt itself.

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Religious Needs Resource

Welcome to this resource for health workers. It is a guide to, but not a substitute for, individual spiritual, religious and cultural needs assessment by frontline clinical staff in supportive, palliative and end of life care.

Upcoming Courses at TBEC

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Life is for learning! (TBEC)

The Terence Burgess Education Centre is named after the Terence Burgess, formerly surgeon to Southport & Ormskirk District General Hospital & first Chairman of the Queenscourt board of Trustees.
