Be Kind to Yourself

Age UK
- Open: 8 am – 7 pm
- Call: 0800678 1602

Cruse Bereavement Care
- Call: 0808 808 1677
- Email

Boo Coaching & Consulting
- Education and supporting resources for Sefton Care Homes during COVID 19 Crisis
- Care Homes in Southport delivered by Team Boo

Offering all frontline workers free, confidential online mental health and emotional wellbeing services with fully qualified therapists
Developed by Cheshire and Merseyside, links to national resources, and local mental health resources, apps with passwords for free access for health and social care workers.

For better mental health Mind, the mental health charity has put together Coronavirus and your mental health which contains lots of information, resources and tips.

NHS bereavement helpline
Call the NHS bereavement helpline on 0800 2600 400 for guidance and support if someone you know has died. It’s open every day from 8 am to 8 pm. The nurses on the helpline can give you advice, guidance and practical support during this difficult time.

Our Frontline
Offers all healthcare workers round-the-clock one-to-one support (by call or text) from trained volunteers, plus helpful resources and tips. Text FRONTLINE to 85258 for a text conversation or call 116 123 for a phone conversation.

The Samaritans
(24 hours) 116 123

The Silver Line
- helpline for older people (24 hours)
- 0800 470 80 90

University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)
Free online Psychological Support Hub for front line workers + their families, those connected to care homes and those in the military, who are providing support in the national effort against Covid19. To access email – explaining what needs support with.

Hospice UK
Dying matters #beforetheirtime campaign

Time to change
let’s end mental health discrimination
Similar Resources

Podcasts for Paramedics
The Beyond the Sirens: Paramedics and End-of-Life Care podcast series has been designed to start a journey together, to spark innovative ideas, provide support for and raise awareness of the holistic and complex requirements of end-of-life care.

Religious Needs Resource
Welcome to this resource for health workers. It is a guide to, but not a substitute for, individual spiritual, religious and cultural needs assessment by frontline clinical staff in supportive, palliative and end of life care.

Life is for learning! (TBEC)
The Terence Burgess Education Centre is named after the Terence Burgess, formerly surgeon to Southport & Ormskirk District General Hospital & first Chairman of the Queenscourt board of Trustees.