Lynn Smith Sews for Queenscourt
News | 6 July 2021

Lynn Smith was so impressed with the care and support shown to her late husband, Peter, by the team at Queenscourt, she has spent the past eight years raising money for the Hospice by putting her sewing skills to use.
Peter had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and although he was never an in-patient at Queenscourt, he had been invited to attend Day Therapy sessions at the Hospice where he enjoyed relaxations classes and massages.
“Everyone was so very nice and kind and not just to Peter, but me as well,” said Lynn. “It really did make a big difference.”
Peter sadly died in 2013 and it was then that Lynn decided she wanted to start fundraising for the Hospice. Having always enjoyed sewing, she started to make peg bags, shopper bags, tea cosies, scarves and aprons and has so far raised more than £3,000.
“I really enjoy sewing so it really isn’t hard work for me,” said Lynn. “In fact, it has been a real boost for me during the pandemic and has helped keep me busy.”
Even when fire swept through Lynn’s sewing room two years ago and she lost all her material and a sewing machine, she wasn’t ready to throw in the towel. “People were so kind and donated lots of material and even a new machine so I was able to continue,” she said.
“I will carry on raising money Queenscourt. It doesn’t seem a lot when you sell a few items at a time, but it really does add up.”
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