Events - Queenscourt Hospice

Queenscourt Events

Have you ever wanted to challenge yourself or work towards achieving a personal goal?

Well now is your chance - whether it’s crossing the finish line of the London Marathon, jumping out of an airplane or completing a cross country walk, be sure to pick something that’s challenging but achievable and enjoyable for you.

Please let us know about the event that you are doing for Queenscourt by calling our fundraisers on 01704 517420

Taking part in a sponsored event is a great way to help raise much needed money for Queenscourt Hospice. There are many different challenges and activities organised both at a local or national level but you may prefer to set up your own personal challenge too!

Skydive for Queenscourt

22 June 2025

How does jumping from a plane, reaching speeds of 120mph, sound to you? If this sounds exciting, then this could be one to tick off your wish list!
